Entrepreneurship with United Kingdom as base country
Starting and doing business in United Kingdom while residing from your home country
Doing business in United Kingdom is easier and profitable given minimal document requirements and lucrative customer base. Buying a domain name (preferably .co.uk or .uk top level domain), launching website accompanied by having a virtual office address, a private limited company incorporated in UK, a UK landline number can be the initial steps.
Unlike India where forming a private limited company will essentially need taking help of a practitioner CA/CS/ICWA, UK and USA do not have such requirements. While forming a company in USA as foreign resident, availing tax identification no. (ITIN) is more complicated and costly wherein either you need to post original or certified copies to IRIS office or take help of IRIS certified agencies who would charge anywhere from 150$ to 250$ (Advantages of creating a business entity in United States and our experience forming an LLC with Incfile). For UK company, you can avail tax id almost hassle-free: you will receive a code to your registered company address after applying for tax id online.
This video shares our experience with Icon Offices (https://iconoffices.co.uk), a UK office rental and business support solutions service provider as we availed their virtual office address, private limited company formation, UK landline no. services.
Since Icon Offices’ templates and processes are forever changing, screenshots posted could fast become obsolete. The goal is to give broad idea. Visit Icon Offices’ website www.iconoffices.co.uk for the specifics.
Here is our review about Icon Offices on Trustpilot (4.5 TrustScore): They stand true in their mission of…
In addition to Icon Offices, another place to consider buying UK-based phone number could be Freshworks. Here is more information on buying a phone number – https://crmsupport.freshworks.com/en/support/solutions/articles/50000005712-buying-a-phone-number
Hiring foreign workers and EOR services by Remote
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. Companies choose to hire foreign workers for a number of reasons including: To address a skill gap. For instance, a UK based company may choose to hire a worker from India who has deep…
Continue Reading Hiring foreign workers and EOR services by Remote
Wise banking services for your UK-based business
After starting a business in UK, the next step could be to open its UK-based bank account. Traditional banks might be more stringent like requiring you as owner visiting the bank in person. Almost all will have minimum balance requirements. Wise though not a bank is different that can take care of your banking needs…
Continue Reading Wise banking services for your UK-based business
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